Phuket Latest News

Inferno Horror on Bus from Phuket Claims Second Victim: Three More in Comas

Latest A second person has died and fears are held for three more victims from a nightmare inferno that saw passengers trapped on a burning bus soon after it left Phuket.

Scores of Phuket Holiday Flights Affected as Haze Hits Thailand's Tourism

Latest Scores of Phuket flights are diverted or delayed as the region’s haze shrouds triggers disruption and threatens the flow of tourists to Thailand from China and other countries.

Aung San Suu Kyi Plans to Lead Myanmar if Her Party Wins National Election Next Month

Latest Former democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi cannot be president but plans to lead Myanmar anyway if the party that she heads wins next month’s national election.

VIDEO Shows Vicious Beating as Guards Throw 'Tourists' Out of Phuket Nightclub

Latest A video showing a group of black-shirted men using extreme violence in throwing tourists out of a venue is said to have been recorded at the entrance to a Patong nightclub.

PhuketWATCH Nets Needed for Killer Jellyfish; Crash Kills Three Chinese; Polluted Phuket Hurt ...

Phuket Updating Digest Grey shroud covers southern Thailand; Expert says nets needed to save swimmers; Crash in Malaysia kills three Chinese tourists; Putin stars in ice hockey.

Asean Today: Gunmen Kidnap Italian; Haze Over Phuket, Region; Chicken Farmers Claim US Dumping

Around the Region Six gunmen snatch a pizza restaurateur in the Philippines; Haze hits Phuket, tourism, Indonesia’s reputation; Vietnam accuses US of dumping dark chicken; Burma security warning.

Phuket haze worst ever: official

PHUKET: The air quality in Phuket today was the worst on record, the Regional Environmental Office 15 confirmed to The Phuket News this afternoon (Oct 7).

Russian arrested for killing pitbull in Pattaya

PATTAYA: Pattaya police have arrested a Russian man who allegedly killed a pitbull terrier three months ago.

PHUKET NEWS TV: Phuket Xtra - October 07

PHUKET XTRA - Wednesday October 7 An excerpt from an interview with Phukets new Governor, the haze is now very serious, tour guiding to be taught in schools and the Ace Condo debacle continues. #PhuketNewsTV #PhuketTV
