Phuket Latest News

One dead as desperate migrants try to storm Eurotunnel terminal again

CALAIS: Migrants desperate to reach England made at least 1,500 attempts to enter the Eurotunnel terminal overnight in the French port town of Calais, a police source told AFP Wednesday (July 29), adding that one man was found dead.

Copyright law tackles social media

BANGKOK: Copying digital material, especially in social media, without giving proper credit to the copyright holder will be a violation under the new copyright law, which comes into effect on Aug 4.

Public shaming for litterbug pigs in northern Mexico

MEXICO: A northern Mexican town has taken a drastic step to punish litterbugs: placing their mugshots on billboards with the words detained for being a pig.

Commemorating the Lord Buddha

PHUKET: The end of this month celebrates two big Buddhist holy days, Asarnha Bucha (July 30) and Wan Khao Phansa (July 31), a Buddhist holy day which begins on the first full moon of the eighth lunar month, and this year it falls on today (July 30).

PM Prayut: Stop blaming America for TIP report

Junta chairman Prime Minister Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha has asked Thais to stop blaming the United States government for awarding Thailand with a low ranking in its annual report on human trafficking around the globe.

Phuket tailors claim stitched up by illegal layoffs

PHUKET: Ten former workers at a Phuket tailor shop arrived at the Damrongtham Center (provincial Ombudsman’s office) at Provincial Hall this week to file a complaint that they were sacked illegally.

Phuket's Beaches Still Being Sorted With Ban on BYO Umbrellas Continuing

Latest Phuket’s beaches and the rules for using them are still being sorted with time ticking towards the high season when many visitors will expect to find umbrellas and sunbeds as usual.

Top China Officials Seek to Mirror Phuket's International Appeal

Latest Leading officials from the Chinese holiday island of Hainan visit Phuket to celebrate 10 years as ‘‘sister cities’’ and to seek advice on enhancing international alpeal.

PhuketWATCH Police in Phuket HQ Rumble; Jolie to Visit Rohingya; Has MH370 Been Found?

Phuket Updating Digest Rumbles continue with Region 8 police HQ about to move to Phuket; Angelina Jolie is set to visit Rohingya in Burma; A piece of a plane seems likely to be missing flight MH370.
