Phuket Latest News

Phuket officials prepare for quake emergency exercise

Phuket officials prepare for quake emergency exercise

PHUKET: Provincial authorities met yesterday (May 27) to prepare for the annual disaster response drill.

Malaysia missed clues to trafficking, villagers say

Malaysia missed clues to trafficking, villagers say

Malaysias government has expressed shock at finding human-trafficking camps and graves near the Thai border, but for local villagers like Sani Hashim the human clues were right there in plain sight.

Rohingya Silence Leaves Aung San Suu Kyi Speechless and Alone

Latest The reputation of Aung San Suu Kyi is being damaged by her lack of comment about the treatment of the stateless Rohingya in her own country, where racism is endemic.

Rohingya trafficking: inside the investigation

Rohingya trafficking: inside the investigation

PHUKET: Pol Maj Gen Paween Pongsirin headed up the investigation into taxi mafia and corruption in Phuket in April to August last year and then was sent in to straighten out the Koh Tao murders investigation in September.

FIFA corruption storm stuns world football

FIFA corruption storm stuns world football

A major corruption storm that engulfed FIFA sent shock waves around world football yesterday (May 27) and led to calls to suspend a vote on whether its leader Sepp Blatter should get a new term.

Who are the Rohingya and Why is Burma Pushing Them Into the Sea?

Who are the Rohingya and Why is Burma Pushing Them Into the Sea?

Latest The issues are not widely understood but the principle is clear: the Rohingya belong in Burma and must be accorded proper rights to stop the exodus and end ethnic cleansing.

Thailand's Trafficking Torment: Analysis and Answers from Canada's Rights Lawyers

Thailand's Trafficking Torment: Analysis and Answers from Canada's Rights Lawyers

Latest A Canadian lawyers’ group with an international reputation for taking up human rights causes analyses what’s happened and offers some solutions to the boatpeople crisis.

I am a Rohingya Too, Says Billionaire Who Suffered Under Nazis

I am a Rohingya Too, Says Billionaire Who Suffered Under Nazis

Latest Rescuing the Rohingya is vital because the world has been through ethnic cleansing and genocide before and humankind does not need more, says George Soros.

What's Needed to End SE Asia's Trafficking Torment: Rights Group Tells

What's Needed to End SE Asia's Trafficking Torment: Rights Group Tells

Latest Countries around the region must cease their self-interest and unite to take on a collective humanitarian and practical approach to the Rohingya expulsions and exodus by sea.
