Phuket Latest News

Pope Draws Six Million to Prayers in Manila Park

Latest The Pope has completed his tour of the Philippines by drawing six million people to a park in what’s believed to be the largest crowd for a papal event.

PhuketWATCH Charlie Violence Unabated; Shakedown in Bangkok; Boatpeople Try to Flee

Phuket Updating Digest Western concern at terrorist threat; Top British journalist to leave Thailand; Police try to protect Rohingya; Lies, stats and Letters to the Bangkok Post.

Asean Today: Angry Reactions to Indonesia Executions; Record Six Million Turn Out for Pope; ...

Around the Region Countries react to Indonesia’s firing squad executions; US ain’t apples in Malaysia;Record crowd turns out for Pope; Hanoi Jane Fonda apologises.

Asian skinheads gather in anti-racism event

Asian skinheads gather in anti-racism event

KUALA LUMPUR: Asian skinheads converged on Malaysias capital Kuala Lumpur over the weekend for two days of full-throated live music performances - but with a message far different from that often associated with their Western cousins.

Thai monk agrees to defrock after gay sex admission

A Phetchabun monk who admitted to having sex with a male discipline has left the monkhood after being put under pressure by the National Buddhism Office and lay people, reports said.

Deadly anti-Charlie Hebdo riots as France defends free speech

Deadly anti-Charlie Hebdo riots as France defends free speech

Five people were killed and churches set on fire in Niger on Saturday (January 18) in fresh protests against the French weekly Charlie Hebdos cartoon of Mohammed, as France condemned the violence and asserted its commitment to freedom of expression.

Casino Royale, Phuket edition UPDATED

Casino Royale, Phuket edition UPDATED

You don’t have to travel to Vegas to try your luck!

Storm Cuts Short Pope's Visit as Typhoon Moves Close

Latest The Pope has been forced to reduce the time spent on an outlying Philippines island as a typhoon moves closer with ironic emphasis on nature’s powers.

Pope Warns of Corruption, Defiance of Nature

Latest The Pope has told the Philippines that ‘‘scandalous inequities’’ and corruption are among the manmade ailments that the world should correct.
