Phuket Latest News

Wine, tapas and museums galore in Spain

I recently went on a wonderful trip to Spain which was organised by Bart Duijkers from the Andaman Wine Club in Phuket. The trip was designed for wine lovers and was designed around staying in small boutique and historical vineyard hotels.

Bieber and Macklemore won MTV Europe Music wards

Hip-hop duo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis were the surprise winners on Sunday (October 25) for Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards in a show dominated by Justin Bieber.

Bieber and Macklemore won MTV Europe Music awards

Hip-hop duo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis were the surprise winners on Sunday (October 25) for Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards in a show dominated by Justin Bieber.

Dolphins, Seals Set to Perform on Phuket: Opposition Suddenly Goes Silent

News Analysis One minute, there is a vocal group of opponents of the Phuket Dolphinarium. The next, opponents are hard to find. And so on the holiday island, it’s on with the show.

China ends one-child policy: state media

CHINA: China announced the end of its hugely controversial one-child policy yesterday (Oct 29), after decades of strict, sometimes brutal enforcement left it with an ageing population and shrinking workforce that has heightened the challenges of slowing economic growth.

Patong Carnival and Seafood Festival Opens This Weekend

Latest There’s something fishy about the Patong Carnival and it’s probably because the fun event ties with the Patong Seafood Festival this year. The motto: Drink, eat and be merry.

Government to roll out decree in IUU fight

The government will roll out an executive decree and other measures next week to deal with illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

Phuket motorists can’t stop making illegal u-turns

PHUKET: The Phuket Highways Office has vowed to install more barriers at a second section of the bypass road where concrete barriers have been removed so that motorbikes can again make illegal turns.

Blaze Razes Phuket House: Snake Blamed for Spectacular Smoke

PHOTO ALBUM Fire destroyed a wooden ceramics shop and house in southern Phuket with the blaze being blamed on a snake crawling into a transformer and triggering a small blast.
